Embrace Your Body, Be Your Brand

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This past Monday was the 5-year anniversary of my emergent hysterectomy. To say that I am grateful is a miracle.

It has taken me the past 5 years to live boldly into my body. Embrace my core truths. Express my vulnerable side. Embody my soul. And rise to my life’s calling to become my brand.

Some people need to weather the storm to see a bright shining day.

The old me has been shed.

I have let go of the anger that toxified my body. Each day I would dress to serve my body. The deep question I would ask is, “What do you need to feel supported today?”

This brings style into a whole new energetic realm. It serves my body’s needs with tiny micro-manifestations that will allow me to soar into the day with ease and grace.

It has nothing to do with how I look to the world and 100% about serving how I feel.

Along with this shift in focus and energy, my morning routine of meditation, journaling, and movement also serve my body. Style is your life and style. It’s all the choices you make to reveal your presence throughout the day.

My recent gratitude practice has up-leveled my daily experience of the whole world. It’s transformed how I anticipate an experience and brings deeper consciousness to my world.

Deep in your body there is a story. The story either harms you or helps you.
Which side are you on?

When you can live into the story that’s deeply rooted in your body, you have the freedom to rise to your true calling. You can begin to see life through the lens of powerful choice and abundance.

5 years ago, I experienced my biggest loss ever. I had spent 20 years trying to save my uterus.  I went through multiple medical treatments and 10 surgeries to have the opportunity to have my own child. Removing my uterus saved my life, and only time could help me heal.

I could have stayed in lack mentality…. “I don’t have the house, the husband, the kids, the overflowing bank account… the clothes, the car…” You name it. NOT ENOUGHNESS.

But I didn’t. I answered the call to step into my life’s work. To birth my true work in the world.

In my healing, a miracle happened. Every experience, every inquiry, every pain point, every transition served a purpose.  They showed me the way. And finally I had my lightbulb moment in finding true #loverecovery for this body and soul.

I became the woman I had always dreamed of being...but thought I wasn’t there yet. I started the practices that cultivate and soothe my body and soul daily. I answered the call to move to Europe (one I had denied myself for 18 years).

Yes, I teach women how to get dressed, but more so I teach them how to answer their souls’ true calling, step into their powerful presence, and become the women they dream of.

It’s all right there inside you.

Do you dream of shining brightly from the inside out and becoming a true success? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment down below.

You are loved!



Carrie Montgomery1 Comment