How to Manage Your Vibe

How to Manage Your Vibe

Have you ever woken up, pulled the covers over your head, and decided it’s best you stay in bed? We call that a *Vibe Off* day here in Carrie Montgomery world.

On the flip side, you have days when you spring out of bed ready to play with the adventure of your life. You’re bright, You’re free, You’re light, You’re ready… this is a *Vibe On* day.

Many people swing from Vibe On... to Vibe Off like the rollercoaster you dare to ride at the amusement park. Sometimes you love the dip and rise in your tummy. Sometimes you grip and hold on for dear life.

How to Manage Your Vibe Blog Carrie Montcomery

Well, I have a special invitation for you.

No matter where you are, we all need tools to make it a Vibe On kinda day sometimes. Shooting for your ethereal stars, let’s you create hope and a big vision for your life.  At times, the tasks to create the vision can be challenging or draining.

That’s when you need to talk to your body.

The story, the feeling, the expression; it’s all right inside you. There’s no need to ask someone else for advice. You hold the answer, inside of you.  It’s about developing the dialogue with yourself and trusting your inner voice, so you can take action.  

When I started styling, it was about creating an outfit for a client that made them feel and look good.  In order to embody confidence, it’s much more about feeling-good than the looking-good.

It’s all about the VIBE you put out there.  Cultivating your vibe is a bio-individual process.  

You must polish the energy you’re sending out into the world, just as much as you’d iron your top.  Want the magical secret? When you witness yourself right where you are and support yourself; you own your VIBE (the energy you put out).  This is revolutionary when it comes to personal style and personal presence.

Yes, I can help you pick sexy looks, but my love, the conversation inside you is more important than the top, or dress, or heels you wear.  When you learn to decide what to wear based on your energetic needs each day, you’ll be seen as the beautiful goddess you are.

What does your body need to be as effective and powerful as possible? Soul Style is your missing piece.

Join me for a free online class on the 4 Keys to Uncover & Embrace Your Soul Style for Success.

Hiding your true Soul Style is blocking you from success, happiness, and more importantly denying you your power. This makes it much harder to get noticed and earn money.

Knowing how to get dressed for your energy is essential, which is what I’ll be teaching in my free training. If you’re like most women I meet, you’ve likely tried these things:

  • Downloaded free guides to Capsule Wardrobe - where do you even start?

  • Bought trendy clothes and expensive handbags, because they’re supposed to make you feel confident (then felt guilty that you wasted money)

  • Invested in nice clothing for events and not everyday life

I get it, Name.

It’s tough to know how to dress for success. So many emotions swirl in our mind about how you feel about your body, and what you think you should look like. It’s draining.

On the bright side, you have a choice.

You can keep trying to figure your style out on your own, or you can use my strategies (for free) and start feeling successful in a few weeks.

Click here to sign up for my free “4 Keys To Discover & Embrace Your True Style For Unlimited Success” online training.

You’ll have a chance to ask questions and connect with me on the call.

See you there! :)



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