Freedom to be You

Freedom to be You Blog

Hey Beauty!

It’s my birthday and I have a gift for you!  

Inside this sparkly gold box is a piece of paper. In black script, you’ll read the words:


I mean TRULY be ALL of your magical, wild self!

Today, I’m at Mel Wells’ Self Love Summit. When you embrace the path to personal liberation through ANY WAY POSSIBLE (meditation, Soul Style, traveling), life will transform for you. All the health, purpose, and relationships you’re craving will start to flow your way.

A few years ago, I turned my nose up to the phrase “SELF LOVE.”  I lost faith that I could transform anything by saying, “I love you!” in the mirror. I mean, could I feel more free and alive through affirmations?

The words Self Love made my skin crawl, because I thought it was something outside myself. I thought some guru or author had to fix me.  Ultimately, I had an unhealthy belief that I was broken. Which reaffirmed that I couldn’t be fixed. :(

When I created my Transformational Style Coaching practice, it was born out of a desire to heal myself.  To take bold action without second guessing myself. In my process to accept my body where it was, I started applying everything I learned on my healing journey.  Things like guided meditation, EFT, and affirmations.

My Soul Style clients gave me the opportunity to teach them how to apply techniques to feel at home in their bodies. As I worked through the process, I taught, and taught, and taught.  

It’s the most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Taking all the wisdom, skills, and experience to create a way to teach women to journey into their bodies, witness their current energy thermostat, create a desired new state of mind through getting dressed, so they could create their dreams.  

I hold hands with my women. I listen to their souls and keep their burning desires alive, so they can experience everything they’re dreaming up. Whether you want to create your first online course, speak on stage, or write a book -- it’s all possible when you hold the intention and dig deep.

My approach is spiritual. Learning how to marry your inner and outer expression with ease, grace, and beauty will light you up, give you energy, and transform the way others see you. You’ll go from a turtle hiding in her shell to fanning your indigo peacock feathers with pride.. Being a Soul Style Mentor fills up my heart and soul.

Soul and style are the pinnacle of freedom.

I remember being 18 and coming out of my reconstructive spinal surgery, I saw life in a different way.  I knew there was something out there beyond my body. I’ve spent 25 years journeying to learn more and integrate it.

Style is beyond just the clothes you wear.  Yes, clothes are part of the expression, but there is truly a way to integrate HOW YOU FEEL now, with how you desire to feel and use clothing to manage the energy to get there.

Subconsciously, I did this for years to manage chronic pain. It was after my last surgery (the 13th one) that I become acutely conscious about this connection.  Deep down in my heart, I wanted to change how women felt in their bodies. Now ...

I help transform a woman’s sense of self, so that she can effortlessly answer her life’s calling.

I mean, who wants to live in constant panic, fear, and anxiety? I don’t and my birthday wish is for you to find your freedom Freedom to stand up for yourself. Freedom to do your great work. Freedom to wear the clothes you admire and feel confident in your cells.

I invite you to connect with me if you’re looking to uplevel your life. If you desire to have clarity on your vision and know how to get there, let me hold your hand.

I’ve opened up some spots on my calendar for July. Grab a Soul Style Chat on my calendar.  I’d love to help you find what’s blocking from embodying your success.

We’re going to tap into what you’re heart and soul needs and how that looks.  Partnering with your imagination is so important to bring your dreams to life.  

Unlike my other invitations, this isn’t offered anywhere else but this blog. A Soul Style Chat is a personal, step-by-step system to go from feeling insecure in your body to feeling confident in your skin that helped my work be featured on Super Soul Sunday and the cover of Maine Life magazine.


You can access a complimentary spot on my calendar within days. Just click here and find a time. Everything I know about embodying your sexy Soul Style is organized and easy to do.


Claim your Soul Style Chat -- available for a short time.

I hope this helps you feel more free in your body, so you can express your soul’d calling.

Let me guide you.

Can’t wait to hear what you’re up to!


The Heart & soul of style

comes from the inside out.

Cultivate your style and presence with this new meditation

Click here to grab your FREE guided meditation