

 is a 4-Week Group Immersion to Develop the Aesthetic, Identity & Embodiment of Your Personal Brand

Are you ready to Elevate your brand image inside and out?

Let’s get one thing clear…

Growing your brand doesn't start with how you look...it begins with how you FEEL.


 Let’s put some statistics down…

  • Only 2% of women report  feeling beautiful 

  •  91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape.

  •  Unfortunately, only 5% of women naturally possess the body type often portrayed by Americans in the media.

This is sad and infuriating because a lot of precious time and energy is being wasted on how you look and not how you feel and what you do to contribute to society.

In an image-obsessed culture, we are getting it all wrong.

Somatic Styling™ is here to change that.

Society (more like the patriarchy) has programmed you to look a certain way to get what you want.  It also tells you you’re not worthy of having what you want. Your inherent value has been oppressed for millennia. The hamster wheel of wellness has you addicted to fixing yourself to get the reward at the end of the rainbow.

My love, I know how confusing it feels.

Let me just say YOU ARE NOT BROKEN.

You just have been fighting a battle to be YOUR TRUE SELF.

Would you love to step into your personal brand image feeling confident and comfortable in your skin?

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 There’s another way…

Imagine looking in the mirror and feeling:

  • Inspired

  • In love

  • Excited

  • Compassionate 

…with the skin, you're in.

Putting on your second skin & showing up for your personal brand wouldn’t be so hard and drama filled. It’d feel effortless, natural, and divine.

That, my love, is waiting for you inside

Somatic Styling™.



Hi, I am Carrie Montgomery, a Creative Director, Brand Strategist, and Somatic Stylist. I work with women to help them with the development and full expression of their personal brands. For the past decade, I have helped shape the brands of lifestyle, coaching, and healing professionals, as well as authors, including Kate Northrup, Amber Lilyestrom, and Selena Soo.

I’ve had a book-worthy past, living the glamorous life with moments like working on the team that made Ritz Carlton $176 million in a single-day launch and rubbing shoulders with Ron Howard and Cate Blanchett while running a film union. The stars, the lights, the glam…

But I got stuck…fighting fertility issues and autoimmune diseases; I didn’t know how to cope. I hated my body. I felt betrayed by her. And so, I deepened my healing journey. 

From Quantum medicine to Reiki to Coaching and more in between, I am certified. Today, I bring the experience from my journey to other women in my work. And it’s the work I do now that I’m most proud of.

I changed my relationship with my body, mind, and spirit. 

I realized I had spent most of my life trying to look a certain way to fit in. I mastered my style, but my soul still felt empty. 

I was not living for how I felt and who I wanted to be. 

I was not comfortable being me, until I healed my relationship with my body. 

I found the keys to my queendom and freedom. I faced the hard stuff to find my rise and joy.

I moved beyond diet culture and overcame an eating disorder to enjoy consuming what my body desires.

I traded addictive behaviors for loving self-care.

I processed the grief of losing my fertility and found compassion for the new body I was in. 

I moved through chronic pain to do practices that soothe my nervous system no matter how much pain I feel.

I’m sure you’ve had your own body journey, and it’s been hard.

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 You're not alone.

It doesn't have to be this way.

I know you want to look good.  But, you actually want to FEEL GOOD IN YOUR SKIN.

You want to feel confident that the SECOND SKIN you step into daily expresses who you truly are.

You desire to EMBODY the version of yourself that stretches your soul to new heights.

You want to EXPRESS who you really are.

You crave to feel SAFE IN YOUR SKIN.

You want to FALL IN LOVE with the body you have.

Deep down, there is a young woman who saw what society wanted her to be, and she may not have “looked the part.”

And here is where the battle began with how you look and how you feel.

You might have hidden from your real dreams.

So while I help you curate your style, my highest priority is to heal the relationship with the woman in the mirror and her body.

I want you to Love your body right here, right now.

But this is often so hard to do.

And if you’re a personal brand that is constantly needing to be visible, it’s so hard to show up continuously. 

I FEEL YOU! It can be overwhelming and very emotional.

I’ve developed a unique approach to your business that blends a deep somatic journey with aligned aesthetics and a simple process to express your identity through style:

Somatic Styling™


 This game-changing experience to uplevel and create an authentic magnetic personal brand image is a tactical, practical, and soulful style experience.

While on your 4-week journey inside the Somatic Styling™ Experience, you will learn how to:

  • Claim your identity

  • Embrace your body 

  • How to embody your style

  • Express yourself through your style 

  • Regulate your nervous system



  • A renewed sense of body autonomy

  • Clear ancestral and Societal programming

  • Learn How the patriarchy affects how you look and feel

  • Know what role your nervous system plays when you look in the mirror or get dressed

  • A practice to Regulated your nervous system to feel more present and powerful in your skin

  • A clear Aesthetic and Expression for your personal brand

  • Renewed Mindset and embodiment practices

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 You are a personal brand…

  • Trying to express yourself consistently.

  • Wanting a new relationship with your body

  • Desire to feel more powerful in your skin

  • Ready to feel free from negative programming about how you look

  • You want a system to curate your personal brand image

 This is an experiential deep dive to show up more powerfully in your skin and personal brand.

This is a journey to clearly define who you are and what that looks like energetically and aesthetically.

You will have a way to move through the daily fears and feelings of showing up for your personal brand and expressing yourself.

There is no place to heal your relationship wiht your body and your nervous system and teach you to be visible in your personal brand.

You will learn how to use exactly what you feel on the inside and know how to express it as your own unique style.


What you Get In the Experience

  • 4-week of deep diving into your personal brand style

  • 4 immersive 90-minute live calls

  • 2 90-minute Q&A calls

  • Weekly templates and worksheets to define your aesthetic

  • Daily tracker for your body & desires

  • Unique somatic and embodiment practices

  • My unique framework to somatically express your style every day

So the real deal is…

No more questioning what looks good

A clear process to feel good expressing who you are

A system that clarifies who you are and what that looks like




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 If you’re ready to express your authentic and embodied personal brand style, this is your time.

You are the power behind your personal brand. Your magnetism will dictate your bottom line.

Are you ready to transform?

Let’s ELEVATE your personal brand image so you can be more free to be you and love the skin you’re in.