Radiant Brand Roadmap

It’s time for a roadmap to uplevel your personal brand.


 Become a Magnet & Create a Business You Can Thrive In

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The key to success is inside you. 

It’s in your body, your skills, your wisdom & your power.

You’ve got a vision for your business, and you know what you want. 

It’s knowing how to get there that flusters you. 

You’ve been striving for your dreams. Laying foundations. Finding your voice. Building your business. Sometimes slugging & struggling through the really hard stuff life throws at you. But you know you are becoming the woman you have dreamed of.

No matter how far you’ve come and how hard you strive, there are valleys you keep falling into, and they are holding you back.

Just so you know, you are not alone.

You Can Only Shine As Bright As The Power You Feel Inside You. 

You desire to feel…

  • more radiant

  • more alive

  • more visible

  • more vocal

  • more connected

  • more authentic

  • more valuable

  • more on message

It’s knowing how to consistently exist here that confuses you.


 Like a lighthouse in the distance on a foggy evening, you know it’s inside you, but you just can’t quite make out how to get there.

You’re asking yourself, how do you express your message?

How do you get others to know who you truly are?

How do you grow your audience to be seen & heard?

I’m sure you’ve put some time into strategy.  And yes, that’s part of the game.

What if the embodiment of your soul was the other part that would get you there?

You want to be you, not get lost in the online noise, and not follow someone else’s formula. You need to stand out. But you sit at the computer staring at the screen, overwhelmed by all you can do. Hacking away at the keyboard, and then you freeze. Blinded by indecision. Lost in the awareness that you may be going about it all wrong.

You need to be you. But you need help.

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I see you. You want to shine, and why not? It needs to be the real you. The world needs to hear what you have to offer….

Yet, something is still holding you back. Something doesn’t feel right, and you need help expressing it.

What’s holding you back?

It can be as simple as 5 min routine regulating your nervous system. But you need guidance and to be witnessed in your vulnerability to know the safety and potency of your power. You need a plan.

There are answers.


 You want to feel comfortable… comfortable in the spotlight, in leadership, in your own skin….

Stepping into the light can feel hard, but you need to share with the world what you were meant to do.

Your nervous system has been overworked, tricking you into pull back to shut down, to retreat into hiding.

Bottom line - no matter how hard you push through, you can't ACTUALLY get what you want done with the vibrancy you need.

Do you want to escape the struggle?

Move past the childhood drama, glide through the triggers and hurdles in daily business decisions, move past the stories in your head, and step into confidence and self-assurance.

There’s a place at the table for you, but you need to claim it. Pull up a chair. 

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Welcome to the Radiant Brand Method™

A place to cultivate your brand vision from the inside out.

Learn to be more, Visible, Vocal,  Vulnerable, & Valuable so you can authentically express your personal brand while monetizing your message & creating impact in the world.

A potent framework to feel your power and shine your light.

Be the powerful change-maker in the world you know you can be. You need to be able to feel the electric pulse of desire & vitality to manifest your dreams.

What you need is a roadmap.


 The Radiant Brand Roadmap offers

  • A six-week complete exploratory process to discover the patterns that are holding you back

  • Space over six 90-minute calls to build self-confidence and your action plan and deepen into your nervous system to expand

  • Comfort in your own skin as you action whatever lights you up, from guest podcasting to chatting with Oprah

  • 7 mini-videos and brand strategy workbooks guiding you to look back on for a lifetime to build a new future

  • A comprehensive trauma-informed intake process

  • A resource library, so if you ever book a brand shoot or build a new website you’ve got the creative drive to explain your vision to the right people. 

Step into radiance for only $6,000 


 Let me be your business and brand detective so you can light up every room you walk in. 

The Tangibles you will get from your Radiant Brand Roadmap:

  1. Define & Embody the heart and soul of your business

  2. Define the desires of your potential customers

  3. Explore & Expand your Core Brand Messaging

  4. Claim Your Brand Image

  5. Map Your Unique Framework

  6. Map Your Cash Flow

The Intangible for your Personal Brand in Radiant Portal:

  • clarity around your unique voice & message

  • confidence in how to be visible & vocal about your dreams

  • comfort in your skin

  • consistent energetic expression of your dreams

The benefit is clear, and the transformation is powerful; what’s the story that’s holding you back?

That powerful, attractive women are mean and nasty? That you’ll be excluded from the inner circle? That you don’t deserve success? That the world is unfair? That you don’t belong in the spotlight?

You tell yourself that these stories aren’t true, but do you feel it? 

You have a vision, and you will achieve it. You will speak on that TedX stage, get on Oprah, or achieve those dreams that propel your vision. 

But right now, these stories ARE keeping you stuck. 

I want to talk to you. There is no reason why you shouldn’t make an impact. It all starts from the inside. 

I know. I’ve been there. But I found my true value and the courage to be visible. And now it’s your turn.

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Amber Lilyestrom - Branding Expert and Success Coach 

 “Carrie has this way of introducing things that you wouldn’t think of yourself. She’s a creative genius. Our collaboration helped me achieve a deeper transformation within myself. I had struggled mightily with body image for forever, but Carrie held space for me to have some major breakthroughs. I’m a strong believer that there is no growth or transformation without vulnerability, so I’m quick to go there.

Carrie works with your personality, your preferences, and your deep needs to help you create a story and a pathway. She upholds your sense of sovereignty; it feels expansive and sacred. You can't find the way she works on Pinterest. The way Carrie works is magic.” 


Experience the embodiment of luxury

It’s time to do something different 

Not everybody has the courage and confidence to pursue their passion on this unique journey of life - but you do. You might be doubting yourself, but you know deep down inside that the world needs what only you can bring. 

Stop following the masses and step into what brings you joy.

The time to live authentically is NOW.

Why wait for that? You don’t want to wait….

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 It’s time to enter….

Wouldn’t you love to…

  • Embody your mission more deeply & securely

  • Align with your true identity inside and out

  • Find your authentic voice and express boundaries with strength 

  • Create an impact that feels expansive yet safe

  • Feel nourished with a better sense of well-being 

  • Embody self-confidence as you build wealth your way

I can style you to walk on stage at Oprah. I have before. But honestly, I don’t care how you look - it’s how you feel that really matters. 

Confidence is the best outfit.


 Hi, I’m Carrie Montgomery 

With compassion, I create space for you to shape your future self today so you can stop feeling stuck…. 

I’ve had a book-worthy past, living the glamorous life with moments like working in a team that made Ritz Carlton $176 million in a single-day launch and rubbing shoulders with Ron Howard and Cate Blanchet. The stars, the lights, the glam….

But then I got stuck… fighting fertility issues and health problems; I didn’t know how to cope. And so, I deepened my healing journey. I embraced the hard stuff to find my rise, my freedom, and my joy.

From Quantum medicine to Reiki to Coaching and more in between, I am certified. And it’s the work I do now that I’m most proud of. Working one-on-one with amazing women like Kate Northrup, Selena Soo, Amber Lillyestrom, and maybe even you!

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 I know how it feels to not always like what you see in the mirror. The shame, the disappointment… I’ve been there…

I almost died on my first launch in my business and lost my 20-year battle with fertility.  I was in pain. I avoided friends, and I ragged inside. But I’ve journeyed back from that - with my friends, my body, and spiritually.

I’ve been bedridden with a broken back.

When an autoimmune condition threatened to derail me…. I took space to take back my control and faced the challenges of life.

I flew off to Spain, running away from a settled, safe & secure life, only to come back with my tail between my legs, sick again.

The secret in this journey is inside you. 

You can rise from the depths of your challenges. But sometimes, your body, your past & your mind is standing between you and the future you desire. 

Your body is wise, and it is protecting you from repeating the past. And that's why an email, a creative project, a partnership, a tricky client, or a program can set you off course. Your nervous system has bypassed your brain and is already reacting.

To break free, to express yourself, and be a bit bold is scary. I know.

But you can ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ - you can’t just push through, though. You need to manage your nervous system first and expand your capacity to grow into the next authentic version of yourself. 

Whatever stories you’re telling yourself to stop you from reaching your goals, I’ll meet them with compassion and work with you to overcome them. 

With my one-on-one premium offer that is shaped uniquely for you, you, too, can take quantum leaps to the embodiment of luxury in the same way that Kate created.

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Kate Northrup - Bestselling Author of Do Less

 “Carrie saw me. Saw my potential. Saw what I was doing. And intuitively knew how to bring that out in a visual way, actually based on my own embodied experience. She can do the same for you. She’s a brand intuitive, providing something to step into rather than something to put on.

Our collaboration exceeded my expectations, and afterward, I took myself more seriously. I saw myself as a force and a thought leader, which gave me the confidence to say ‘yes’ to some powerful affiliate partnerships. I did my first 7-figure year that year. I mean, the first launch for the membership had 800 people sign up. It was incredible.” 


 I’ve hit bottom and picked myself up. Through experience and pain, I have tapped into my intuition. I can read into what you need to become that badass beauty with style hiding right now.  She’s there, and it’s time to bring her out.

It’s how you feel on the inside that shines outwards, and this transformation will help you level up your business and your personal goals.

I’m a coach like no other, and I offer something different. A bespoke experience tailored to you because you are unique. I will guide you to make your own choices. To find autonomy. And help you build your confidence to make empowering decisions.

Get ready to feel good, feel comfortable, and love life again. Step into a new frequency, elevate your visibility, expand your reality, and be heard by others…. Be the leader and embrace that position.

Are you ready to expand into the next version of yourself, or are you gonna sit at home and wait for it?

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Sarah O’Sullivan

“No one was giving me the recipe. I had a myopic vision of what I wanted and knew some of the ingredients, but I didn’t know how much I needed of each or what to set the oven to. 

Carrie is so artistic, palms open, she has so much experience, and is so well connected. When we collaborated, we got so much done in half an hour that I just looked at my whiteboard and thought, ‘wow, it’s never looked so good.

 By the end of our collaboration, I had my recipe in a way no one else had delivered before. She had the confidence and experience to take my vision and turn it into a framework that was all there. I could truly take it to a copywriter and be up and running, and the concept is all my own.”

But you have to be willing to put the work in to take rational risks, get back up and move on.”